On the present condition of market saturation happens in main cities, oversupply happens almost all the market. Distribution is a good way to solve the problem that some aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers would be weeded out. So how to choose distribution is a important question for aluminum windows and doors suppliers.
Single channel and several channels. At present, most of the aluminum windows and doors profile companies have their own salesrooms. Only use salesrooms or dealers to sell is called single channel. Several channel aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers may use direct way to sell their local area. In other areas, they may use an indirect way to the sale. Use long channel when sale products, but use short channel when buy resources, that make aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers run their companies better. For aluminum windows and doors profile industry, several channels sale is an efficient way to secure the market.
Direct way sale.Direct way means the producers sell their products to consumer without any middle man. Structure direct selling is aluminum windows and doors suppliers -- consumers. Direct selling is the main way for aluminum windows and doors suppliers to sell products. Setting up salesrooms is the normal way of marketing. But for present market, salesrooms have no advantage.
Wide channel and narrow channel. The width of a channel depends on the number of middle men. More middle men an aluminum windows and doors profile supplier have, the wider its channel. For example, the whole aluminum windows and doors profile industry have many dealers, then the dealers sell the products to consumers. That can widely connect to consumers and make a wholesale dealer. Narrow channel means that an aluminum window and doors profile supplier have less middle dealers. Narrow channel is more efficient when selling professional products or value products. Narrow channel use only one or two middle men, that makes it is easy to control the distribution, but it also makes it connect to the consumers harder.
Indirect distribution channel. Indirect distribution means aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers use middle men to sell products. Middle man joins in the selling process. The classic aluminum windows and doors profile indirect distribution model is aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers -- dealers -- salesman -- individual consumers. Using indirect channel to sell product has become an important academic subject of marketing.
If aluminum windows and doors profile suppliers want to develop themselves, they have to pioneer the new way to market.
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